Saturday, 4 December 2010


At the moment i'm sitting here making my section of the publication.  I have been bless with making the pages for the company intro, website/blog/facebook, the exhibition space, and the invites etc.  
I'm worried that the individual styles of the sketchbook will clash, but I guess we can always edit the pages, pass them around and put our own stamp on each others if need be.   Fingers crossed this works! If it does it should look fantastic!

Friday, 3 December 2010

T-shirts 2

We got the T-shirts printed.  They look pretty cool!!
Heres just a quick wee snap shot of them! I can't wait to see what the team look like with them on us. =]


Our website is finally up and running live on the big world wide web!  It took a lot of concentration, frustration, and coffee but I got there in the end.  The original website was being made with iweb - a great little application, however I couldn't find a free host for it, so I made the new site with who give you a free domain name, and free hosting.  Check it out at -

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Designer Invites 2

The designer invites were completely finished and sent off to a few local designers including Paperjam, Papermouse, Rodney Miller Associates, etc. So hopefully they get the invites in time and come along for a look around!
The invites were entirely made of paper and card, including the envelopes which were made with scraps of paper that was left over from the 3D models.  

Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Guys, we're finally up and running on our Facebook page!  Check it out!

Almost there!

After the success of the 3D text the other day, the guys decided to make more of it to fit into the landscape.  It has worked pretty well! It is also written into the river to show a flowing effect.  The rural side of the landscape is now fully complete.  All that needs done is for the green base to go down, and everything stuck on.  

Dragons Den

In the business and design class, we had to present a mini Dragons Den exercise where we had to present our business ideas, and the basic design principals of the project and exhibition to a panel. Tori and Gary done the speaking, while |I worked the slide show.  
The slide show was a collection of images that we had complied of the project so far.  We also had a mood board that we used to help generate the idea for the event.  

This is an image of the mood board that we used.  


Today we got our leaflets made.  They feature a handmade font sending out a mass invite to the event, along with the date and place etc. Lennard the sheep also shows an appearance.
The leaflets are double sided printed onto bright coloured card which co-insides with the colours used in the paper landscape.  

New Gallery Space

Due to some miss-communication, and double bookings, we no longer have the gallery space in the main foyer of uni.  However, we have acquired the project room, towards the back entrance beside the street.  This room is perfect for what we need.  It is a relatively small area which would fit our exhibition perfectly.  The entire room is white, with a rough industrious feel to it.  This could be beneficial in promoting our theme of the handmade.  

Monday, 29 November 2010


Today, i'm going to admit was pretty successful! =]
We managed to get quite a lot done.  Firstly, the business cards were sent to print.  They should arrive on my doorstep on Friday - just in time for the start of the exhibition. Secondly, the posters were printed and stuck up around the university.  We are going to stick some more up in the local coffee houses, and the SU Bar after class tomorrow afternoon.  This should create more awareness of the event.  A leaflet design was also made, and to save money we are printing them on scrap, and left over pieces of paper from the models.  We are going to use home inkjet printers to save on costs.  Plus it looks just as nice =]  I shall get some photos up soon! But for now, i'll leave you with a picture of Gary hanging up some posters.


These are just some of the areas that we put the posters and leaflets etc.  They are around uni, and in local coffee shops.  =]

Tori's models 4

Abandoned cottage, trees, and 3D text.  Lookin' class!

Pre-leaflet printing

This is the layout that we used to create the leaflets.  We made a template for it, and duplicated it 6 times on an a4 page.
We aim to print it onto coloured card and cut it into separate bookmark size leaflets.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Designer Invites

I started making the real designer invites.  This is the result so far.  The pieces of paper are so small! Its really annoying to put together, but it'll be worth it in the end! There are 6 invites in total.